Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy Monday! We are busy working on our new Math scrolls. This is an activity that the students will only work on in class until the end of the school year. They will be given their scroll to continue adding onto as they wish. This practice of reading, and writing two and three digit numbers is very important to their place value understanding. I will also continue to correct reversals and the written order of digits. Example 16, 61 or 161, 116
In Reading Workshop, we have continued flagging important pages, in our stories, with post it notes. This strategy helps us to focus in on important parts of the story so we can share and remember what we read.
Robust Vocabulary: energetic, pace, approached, blunder, reassure, excel
In Writing Workshop, we are continuing working on writing for our readers. Please do not let your child stick uppercase letters in the middle of words or write words in all uppercase letters. This will be corrected on their spelling test.
We will be studying the moon this week. Ask your child about what they have learned each day.
Have a great week! We will.

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