Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Well clearly, I am getting back into our routine of blogging. I thought about missing our blog at 3:30am. I do not know what will happen in 2012. Maybe you will receive a new blog by March#@$^@^$!@^!
The students were wonderful at town meeting on Monday. They spoke clearly, and loudly.
We are now back in full swing with our academics. In Reader's Workshop, we are thinking about what we read. please keep reviewing parts of the stories your child is reading. They are so focused on reading the words in print that they are missing the meaning of what the author is trying to teach them. We began a new author study. We are looking at, reading and studying Tomie dePaola's style and stories. Strega Nona is a great role model and lots of fun to read adventures about. In Writer's Workshop, we begun our unit Writing for Readers. We have been discussing the word "yearning" to read a book or story. Share with your child something that you yearn to read or do.
The Solar System is our science study for 2nd trimester. I introduced the students to the word vast. We will be studying a vast area.
Please look for the email that gives you the information to preview your child's progress report. Coach Cameron is your child's P.E. coach for the trimester. Please check out his blog as well. I will link it to mine.
In Math, we have compared rulers to yardsticks, and inches to feet. Ask your child to measure things at home and which tool would be appropriate to do so.
Please continue to bring in items for our gift drive and thank-you to the families that already have.

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