Sunday, September 11, 2011

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. In these photos, we are working on our listening skills. I am trying to get the students aware of their listening skills to everyone, not just when I am talking. The three skills I am stressing, are looking at the person in the eyes, keeping quiet while others are speaking, and keeping their bodies still. The students will become more comfortable with these expectations at school, if they practice them at home as well.
School pictures will be taken on Tuesday. Please turn in your envelope if you have not done so.
I sent home the Unit 2 Family letter in Math. Please pay close attention to the Do Anytime Activities, to help build their number sense. I am still looking for Parent Volunteers for Thursday afternoons from 1:30-2:30. If you are able to help out, please return the pink sheet and specify if you need to, what dates you can or can not help. Thank-you I will put together a schedule as soon as I can. The robust vocabulary words are: memorize, sensed, especially, capacity, proud, haul.
Our new science study we are beginning this week, is the human body. We will carry this study through the beginning of November. Our focus this week is how our body works and why. I want the children to pay attention to all of the things their bodies can do. Talk about what sense they are using, for different activities they are doing. Have a great week. We will!

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