Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend. We already had a very busy morning with Mrs. Peck. Mrs. Peck is an upper division science teacher. She has ordered many extra animal parts, to dissect and teach to our first graders. Today she dissected cow eyes. We will get the materials in our room for us to take a closer look. Really...get a closer look! We learned all about the parts of our eyes. We learned about eyebrows, eyelashes, the cornea, iris, lens, and how our eye muscles help our eyes move all around. We will be finishing up our five senses study this week. Mrs. Peck will return two more times, to dissect a heart and brain.
We will be celebrating the International Day of Peace on Wed. 9/21. Your child may wear a peace t shirt with their uniform shorts, if they have one. If you have not seen what we wrote about what peace means to us, check out our hallway windows.
In Math, I would like for everyone to review counting by 2's, 10's and 5's. I have students struggling, when I begin with 30, 50 or 75. I also would like for them to review counting by 1's up and back above the number 50.
Robust Vocab: unexpected, considerate, routine, ambled, pouted, politely
Have a great week. We will!

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