Friday, April 29, 2011

What a busy week we had learning about dolphins and other toothed whales. We even learned about the freshwater river dolphin. Ask the students about how they are different from the ocean species. We also had a very special guest dissect sea urchins, and teach us about sea stars. A special thank-you to Mrs. Peck from the upper division and Mr. Schiaparelli for his assistance. We look forward to the other things Mrs. Peck has for us. This week we will be studying about sea turtles. Please help your child memorize their poems and speaking parts. They wrote down their speaking parts onto index cards and brought them home last week. If you do not have them, please ask your child to bring it home again. I sent the poems home a few weeks ago. I will be working on my final reading and math assessments over the next few weeks. We will also be writing All About Books in Writers workshop. I am using their research project, on ocean animals, as a springboard into this writing unit.
Don't forget to return your blue aquarium form if you plan on attending with your $7.00 check.
Have a great week.......WE WILL!

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