Monday, April 11, 2011

We are reading all of the time! I would like for you to talk with your child about your reading life! When do you read? What do you read? Where do you read? Why do you read? I also want the children to observe, and find other readers in our community. At stores, malls, salons, anywhere they see people reading. Hopefully, not while they are driving but rather waiting. Reading is lifelong, not just for school.
Robust vocab: wriggle, prickly, interested, assist, construct, cooperative
Our Celebrate the Arts performance is Friday, at 11:00a.m. by the flagpole. The students need to wear jean bottoms and sports t-shirts. We went and previewed the upper division art room this morning, lead by a student in Mr. Runge's art class.
In Math we are working on making change. The students buy an item, pay an amount pretty close to the cost of the item and figure out how much change they will get. We have been working this week with items that cost less than two dollars.
I am sending home a research computer project today. Please check your child's folder for the letter and project due next week. A white t-shirt will be due shortly, for our Commotion in the Ocean program.

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