Monday, September 13, 2010

Welcome back to school today! I hope you had a great weekend. I did! How great was football Sunday with a Buccaneer win? I would like to inform you that a very special Zoologist is visiting first grade tomorrow, from Miami. We are very lucky, to have her. She fit us into her busy schedule. She will be bringing animals to share with the children. I do not know if they will be able to touch them. No worries, they will hand sanitize, if they do touch them, and I will keep all children with me who would rather not be near them. Please check ebytes for photos of our experience. A special thank-you to Michelle Clopet (Lauren Lawson's mom) for arranging this privilege for first grade. Picture Day this week is on Tuesday. If you have not sent in your picture order please do so tomorrow. I will be sending in our first book order this weekend. Friday will be the last day to order. I only need one check for the total amount. They have changed their policy and all of the different clubs are now owned by one company. He are last week's robust vocabulary words: especially,memorize, sensed, capacity, haul, proud. These robust vocabulary words are introduced and discussed with the students each week. They are not expected to spell them, but knowing what they mean and even being able to read them would be enriching. I have linked to the site, to further enhance their knowledge of these words. I will be posting new words each week. We have begun our human body unit and will be studying about skeletons this week.

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