Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day weekend!
I went to New York and had a great time with my daughter!
I sent home the Checking Progress Math Assessment last Thursday. In math, they are working on counting and making Tally Marks over 20, beginning with two digit numbers and counting by 2's and learning how to play the Everyday Math computer games. We will be using the computer math games on Fridays.
The Handwriting Without Tears program has been really smooth. We are, as a class setting goals. We want our handwriting legible, spaced evenly with capitalization, and punctuation used correctly. We have also discussed the importance of word order in our writing, (exp: the cat fast ran).
Their papers are being completed with a regular pencil, however, you will see colored pencil marks.
What they do independently is completed with a regular pencil. What they change, or correct is done with a colored pencil. Look for their Math Journals sent home this week to be used with Thursday nights homework. Have a great week......we will!

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