Monday, February 4, 2013

Happy Monday! I sent home the Conference Day schedule and assume, all is well, since I did not hear that anyone could not make their time. I look forward to talking with everyone on Thursday.
It is Time to Re-enroll. Please do so immediately! You can do it on-line.
Our Love Jar has come to an end. I will be moving their seats into islands of three students each. Their rewards will now be pennies. They are learning on how to work together, compromise, share as a team, rather than only worrying about themselves. This will be our focus throughout the remainder of First Grade. The 100th day of school is Friday. Thank-you to all of you who have sent their 100 items to school.
Our Science Center field trip is Tuesday. Please join us at 12:00 at the Science Center if you can. The address is 7701 22nd Ave. N St. Petersburg. Please return your order forms with the money by Tuesday, so we can pick up the items when we are there.
The 7th graders came down on Friday and shared their fables they wrote with us. It was so fun for us to hear the stories that the older students wrote. Thank-you Mr. Collins.
Our main focus this week has been our projects. We are working with partners, designed a presentation board to display facts about our planets, compromised about what each of us could do and enjoyed the process immensely. We will finish them this week for you to see and enjoy on Conference Day.
I have been crazy assessing, and will share the information with you on Thursday. Have a great week. We will!

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