Monday, January 31, 2011

Wow, are we in for a busy week! Maybe, I really mean month.
First things first, Tuesday we are celebrating Brooke's birthday. Wednesday is Groundhog Day. Thursday is the 100th day of school. Please refer to your calendar, to see what you are bringing in, contributing to our trail mix. You can substitute if you need to. The item must be small and your child needs to count out 100 pieces. Remember no nuts or anything containing nuts. Also, Thursday is the Chinese New Year! Friday, of course is Grandparents Day. I look forward to all of the visitors, and don't forget it is a noon dismissal for all lower division students.
Robust vocab: amusement, grumbling, bitterly, dwelling, realized,chided.
Please refer to the conference schedule if you have not already done so.

Conferences February 10th

7:10a.m. Roma (Karsten’s Mom)

7:30 a.m. Densa

8:10a.m. Breton

9:00a.m. McElroy

9:30a.m. Lauren Lawson

10:00a.m. Dolan

10:30a.m. Waldmann

11:00a.m. Hardgrove

11:30 LUNCH

12:30p.m. Leary

1:00p.m. Elwyn

1:30p.m. Kropf

2:00p.m. Peters

2:30p.m. Palmer

3:00p.m. Healy

February 9th 3:15p.m. Lee

February 11th 8:40a.m. Plotkin and 10:00a.m. Spencer

February 14th 10:00a.m. McCarthy 12:00p.m. Dolson 2:05p.m. Canizares

February 16th 3:00p.m. Forney


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