Monday, January 31, 2011

Wow, are we in for a busy week! Maybe, I really mean month.
First things first, Tuesday we are celebrating Brooke's birthday. Wednesday is Groundhog Day. Thursday is the 100th day of school. Please refer to your calendar, to see what you are bringing in, contributing to our trail mix. You can substitute if you need to. The item must be small and your child needs to count out 100 pieces. Remember no nuts or anything containing nuts. Also, Thursday is the Chinese New Year! Friday, of course is Grandparents Day. I look forward to all of the visitors, and don't forget it is a noon dismissal for all lower division students.
Robust vocab: amusement, grumbling, bitterly, dwelling, realized,chided.
Please refer to the conference schedule if you have not already done so.

Conferences February 10th

7:10a.m. Roma (Karsten’s Mom)

7:30 a.m. Densa

8:10a.m. Breton

9:00a.m. McElroy

9:30a.m. Lauren Lawson

10:00a.m. Dolan

10:30a.m. Waldmann

11:00a.m. Hardgrove

11:30 LUNCH

12:30p.m. Leary

1:00p.m. Elwyn

1:30p.m. Kropf

2:00p.m. Peters

2:30p.m. Palmer

3:00p.m. Healy

February 9th 3:15p.m. Lee

February 11th 8:40a.m. Plotkin and 10:00a.m. Spencer

February 14th 10:00a.m. McCarthy 12:00p.m. Dolson 2:05p.m. Canizares

February 16th 3:00p.m. Forney


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sorry.....Typo on Conferences.....Parents of Isabella Dolan is on Feb. 10th at 10:00a.m. and Parents of Richard Dolson is on Mon. Feb. 14th at 12:00 p.m.
Thanks...I am looking forward to Conferencing with all of you!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend.
A few happenings that are just around the corner are, Grandparent's Day and the 100th day of school. I would like to remind everyone that Grandparent's Day is February 4th. There will be a noon dismissal that day for all Lower Division students.
The 100th day of school is on February 3rd. On next week's calendar will be the item that I need your child to bring. We make a trail mix using the various items (n0 nuts this year), with the 100 food items your child brings in.
Here is the Conference Day schedule for Thursday Feb. 10th along with a few other dates. Please remember there is no school for students on that day.

Conferences February 10th

7:10a.m. Roma (Karsten’s Mom)

7:30 a.m. Densa

8:10a.m. Breton


9:00a.m. McElroy

9:30a.m. Lauren Lawson

10:00a.m. Dolan

10:30a.m. Waldmann

11:00a.m. Hardgrove

11:30 LUNCH

12:30p.m. Leary

1:00p.m. Elwyn

1:30p.m. Kropf

2:00p.m. Peters

2:30p.m. Palmer

3:00p.m. Healy

February 9th 3:15p.m. Lee

February 11th 8:40a.m. Plotkin and 10:00a.m. Spencer

February 14th 10:00a.m. McCarthy 12:00p.m. Dolan

If you are not on the list please see me ASAP so I can schedule a time.


Robust Vocabulary this week: courteous, devious, gullible, rapidly, unreasonable, hastily.

I am also posting an additional website to use as enrichment.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy Tuesday this week! I hope everyone had a nice three day weekend. We are back in full swing this morning. Please check out our celebration of the new running track around the football field. The lower division had a great time this morning walking our first lap. Check out the pictures on ebytes this week from Bob Clingman.
Our new robust vocabulary words are: jostled, argue, bulged, command, wary, labored.
If you have not signed up for the February Conference Day, please see me. I will put the schedule out as soon as everyone has signed up. Don't forget this Thursday Night is Math Night at 7:00p.m.
I am in the process of assessing reading, writing, and math skills throughout the next couple of weeks. Please understand that the behavior expectations have also become very challenging. The students are asked to involve themselves only in business that they are directly involved with, not what they may see others doing or hear what others are saying from others. I am also asking them to watch their body language, and body control. Provoking another is a direct disobedient behavior. If anyone has asked you to stop, and you keep on antagonizing them, there will be a consequence for your choice. I am working hard on having the students prepared for second grade academically, as well as emotionally. I want them to be responsible learners. I can't wait for our next conference and share all that they are doing.

Friday, January 7, 2011

We presented at Town Meeting this morning. Please enjoy the video of Wolf Moon.
We are working hard learning about the constellations and the different colored stars. Ask your child about the different temperatures and colors of the stars.
In reading, we have been learning about elephants and how they paint. Did you know "elephants can paint"?
We have begun comparing numbers and learning about the >, < symbols. Math Night will be on January 20th.
Our robust vocabulary words are: rejoice, extraordinary, predicament, unnoticed, unthinkable, agreement.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Pajama Day

Happy New Year! I can't wait to begin school tomorrow and see all of you. I hope you all had a wonderful and restful break. We are in for a busy next two months. I invite all of you to attend Math Night on January 20th. Please look for more information to follow. Make sure you note and prepare for the new the start time. The school day now begins at 8:05 a.m.. We will promptly begin our day at 8:05. Check out our new post of Pajama Day pictures from Dec. 17th.
Our new robust vocabulary words are: struggling, amiable, mercy, compatible, relax, captured.