Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy Monday! Before I get started, I would like to wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Enjoy your week off.
I hope you enjoyed our Poetry in the Park performance.
Our new Robust vocabulary words are: consequences, greedy, cruel, handsomely, regret, reward.
There will be a Math Workshop for first grade parents on Wed. Nov. 17th at 8:20 a.m. in the Student Activity Center. The presentation will be made by Gaye Whitecage. Please, bring your questions with you.
My goals for second trimester will include quite a bit of differentiating instruction.
In writing, the students will want to be conscientious spellers, neat and legible writers, while conveying their stories and messages clearly.
In reading, we are putting our emphasis in reading to learn, while utilizing various types of graphic organizers. The students are eager to increase their reading levels while comprehension remains the focus skill.
In Math, we are measuring with standard and non-standard units of measure. They are surprised to see the difference, and variations of measurement depending on the unit of measure. On Tuesday, I will be introducing the inch. The challenge is getting the students to begin measuring at the end of the ruler, rather than in the middle.
After Thanksgiving, we will begin our Solar System study. The students will be bringing home their Human Body folders this week.

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