Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy Friday/Monday depending on when you are reading this post. I would like to remind everyone to wear purple everyday all week. We are celebrating our Relay for Life event on Friday. Please come, it is great fun for all and very purposeful. We celebrated and remembered Mrs. Weinman this week and planted a beautiful garden. I will be collecting donation envelopes as well as continuing the link project for one more week.
I am sending home the unit 7 checking progress in Math. Please use this assessment to know which areas your child needs to practice. Our pictures are all about Polygons. We made them from straight pretzel sticks and gumdrops. Ask your child about them.
In Social Studies, we are continuing our work with Florida. We labelled the state, discussed and learned about mantees and alligators. What a wonderful experience I had, swimming with the manatees in Crystal River. They are giant!
In Writer's Workshop we are revising, rereading and adding to our stories.
Have a great week. We Will!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Happy Monday! We enjoyed Reading Week. Our Character Day was great. We have been working on creating our Character Maps, with many different stories. We had guest readers share their Lion Fish storybook and finished the week with Oldie Goldie. The highlight was reading outside with the entire Lower School community on Tuesday, when we dropped everything in our schedules to just "Read". In Writer's Workshop, we have spent a great deal of time learning how to conference with partners. What do we say and how do we give constructive suggestions without hurting feelings.

Please join us on Monday with our dedication of the playground and planting our flower garden for Mrs. Weinman. Don't forget to bring in a potted plant for the ceremony.
In Math, we have begun learning about the attributes shapes have. We have certain language when we are talking about the shape like color, corners, sides, and size. On Friday, we have also begun learning about Polygons. There are rules for a shape to be classified a polygon. Ask your child about why a shape is classified as a polygon. We will be making polygons on Tuesday using straight pretzels and gumdrops.
In Social Studies, we have begun our unit on Florida. We have talked about how Florida is in the south and which bodies of water surround it. We have also identified it as a peninsula.
To get ready for our Relay for Life event we will all be wearing purple the week of April 1st. Keep sending in loose change our chain is really getting long.
Have a great week. We will!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I hope you had a great week off for Spring Break. Here are some pictures from Field Day and the Mini Mester with the Upper Division students. They taught us a lot of things. We had a blast!
Please don't forget Character Day is the Monday we return. Please come dressed as your character and bring in the book.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Happy Monday! Well, here we are with another short week before Spring Break. Here are some pictures from the hot dog lunch. Thank you for participating in this important fundraiser. We have begun another fundraiser in the classroom. The students may bring in loose change to buy purple links. Every link will be added to our Relay for Life paper chain. The chain will be displayed at the event.
In celebration of Dr. Seuss' birthday, we will focus on his characters this week. Your child will pick a story to bring home to write about the character from their book. Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! I will be sending home books on Monday. Please return them by Thursday.
Reading Week will be celebrated the week of March 18th. We will start it off with Character Dress Up day on Monday March 18th. Please refer to the green sheet sent home.
In Writing Workshop we have learned how to plan out our revisions. We marked our writing with sticky notes and then will go back reread and revise areas that need attention.
We have Field Day on Thursday. I have posted your child's team color and they have been told. Please have your child wear that color shirt on Thursday. They will be given breaks and drinks as well so they will not need a snack sent to school on Thursday. Please make sure they have sunscreen on since we will be outside from 9:30-11:30 as well.
We are still working on the Patriotic symbols and have talked about The Statue of Liberty, Liberty Bell and Mount Rushmore. I am also sending home Unit 6 Math Checking Progress along with Unit 7 Family Letter.
Please continue cleaning out old books and send them in for Oldie Goldie. Have a good week and Happy Spring Break!

Field Day Colors:

Gold/Yellow Team:
Rayce Welborne

Green Team:
Morgen Palmer

Blue Team:
Elise Hamblen

Red Team:
Jet Evans
Shae Martin

Black Team:
Emmitt Davis
Nicolas Hasbun
Kiera Healy
Davis Kennedy
Johnathon Levitz
Sofia Torres-Monclova

White Team:
Tiffany Beasley
Kate Rutledge