Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy Monday! What a week. We had our Writer's Workshop celebration with kindergarten, Dr. Bianco and other first grade guests. They read our stories and commented on our writing. Please, if you have time please come and read our new stories in the hall and comment on the page provided. We will be having another celebration before Spring Break. I will again post it on my blog. Grandparents Day and special guests brought visitors to our school and allowed us to show off all of the things we have learned. What fun we had.
New Spelling: Long a with silent e
_ame, _ate, _ake practice reading and writing
Robust Vocabulary: sensitive, sympathy, devoted, alarmed, mysterious, overjoyed
In Math, I will be sending home the Unit 5 Assessment on Wednesday or Thursday. Please read through the unit 6 Family Letter.
The 100th Day of school is Friday. Please look at your Homework Calendar to see what needs to be sent to school for our special snack.

Conference Day February 9th Sign-up

20 min. conference times

7:30a.m. Beth Lastinger

7:55a.m. Debbie Allen

8:20a.m. Molly Davis

8:45a.m. Dasha Rienhoff

9:10a.m. Dolan

9:35a.m Mosesmann

10:00a.m. Satterfield

10:25a.m. DeSanto

10:50a.m. Hillary Marston

11:15a.m. Amy Thomas

12:30p.m. Leary

12:55p.m. Goldish


Other Days:

Fri 2/3 8:20 a.m. Coleman’s

Mon 2/6 1:25p.m. Kelley Matheson

Tues. 2/7 7:30 a.m. Biteau

Tues 2/7 2:45 p.m. Burkett

Wed. 2/8 5:00ish Labinger


Gaye Whitecage

If you need to change…..please do so among yourselves or please contact me

Have a great week. We will!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Monday! Wear a hat to protect you from the harmful sun rays. Dr. Bianco does!
Here are the Spelling Rules for this week. I was asked to include them on our blog. It is tricky now that we are working on long vowels. Remember only 10 of these words will be included on our Friday test.

Robust Vocabulary: bitterly, chided, amusement, dwelling, realized,



pay In Reader's Workshop we have completed working on fluency and

bay expression. Even though we will continue working on our reading

may voices, we will also be using our comprehension skills with some

say non-fiction texts.




clay Friday is a Noon Dismissal on Grandparent's/Special Friend's Day.

gray Please send in a picture if you have not already do so.


bail Look for a lunch form to come home today. It is a sign up for Sage to

sail pack a lunch, to go to the Science Center if you would like.


nail I will be celebrating our Writer's Workshop on Thursday at 2:00. If you

pain would like to stop by, I am looking for comment writers. I would like

sprain for you to hear the stories the students have written and comment

stain about what was interesting to you. What did they do as a writer to

grab your attention?


rain Have a good week. We will!


Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend.
In the above pictures, we are working in partnerships. We have begun a research project that we will complete both in the classroom and the computer lab. This is our first internet research experience at school.
In Reader's Workshop we are working on our reading voice sounding like our talking voice and not like a reading robot. We are working on reading groups of words instead of each word independently. Reading fluency is very important to our comprehension.
In Writer's Workshop, we have begun choosing a new piece to publish. We have also done partnership work that includes revising with partners. This entails hearing what your partner thinks of the story, adding suggestions, and beginning to look at possible spelling changes.
In Math, we are working on the < > = symbols with + - on either side of the symbol. For example: 2+14 _____ 18+3. The students are expected to solve the equations before choosing the appropriate symbol.
Robust Vocabulary: bulged, jostled, argue, labored, command, wary
Have a good week. We Will!

Here is an opportunity to purchase a book from National Geographic,

11 Planets: A New View of the Solar System

Hello Shorecrest Families:

· Good News Re-Enrollment opens on Monday, February 6, 2012

· Contracts are due by Tuesday, February 21, 2012

· Information will be sent to you by email with your user ID and password

· If you have any questions, please call the Admissions Office at 727-456-7511 or email

Thank you!

Conference Day February 9th Sign-up

20 min. conference times

7:30a.m. Beth Lastinger

7:55a.m. Debbie Allen

8:20a.m. Molly Davis

8:45a.m. Dasha Rienhoff

9:10a.m. Dolan

9:35a.m Mosesmann

10:00a.m. Satterfield

10:25a.m. DeSanto

10:50a.m. Hillary Marston


12:30p.m. Leary

12:55p.m. Goldish


Other Days:

Fri 2/3 8:20 a.m. Coleman’s

Mon 2/6 1:25p.m. Kelley Matheson

Tues. 2/7 7:30 a.m. Biteau

Tues 2/7 2:45 p.m. Burkett

Wed. 2/8 5:00ish Labinger


Gaye Whitecage

If you need to change…..please do so among yourselves or please contact me

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy Monday! A great big thank-you to John Schiaparell, a shorecrest parent, for bringing in a special, super powered telescope. We looked at Fridays sunspots. To think, each spot is much larger than Earth. We also learned that sunspots change, move, and are not always there. Ask them about why the January full moon is called the Wolf Moon tonight.
Robust Vocabulary: extraordinary, unthinkable, agreement, rejoice, predicament, unnoticed
If your child needs new supplies, please replenish them. Grandparents and Special Friends Day is fast approaching.
Please send in any pictures ASAP.
In Math, we have learned about the <,>,= symbols. We are comparing 2 and 3 digit numbers using them.
We will begin keeping track of our Reader's Workshop lessons in our yellow journals. We will discuss how to do this on Conference day. Please send in your preference for an a.m. or p.m. conference on Feb. 9th.
Have a great week, we will!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year! Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful vacation. I would like to introduce Jack Satterfield to our class. He and his family have relocated back to the United States from Switzerland. He and his family live on St. Pete beach.
We are right back into the swing of things. Please do not forget to send in a Grandparents Day picture by January 20th. The note went home today with their Homework Calendar.
Have a great week, we will. Stay warm and please check the weather to make sure your child is dressed appropriately. Thank-you