Sunday, August 28, 2011
I hope everyone had a nice weekend. Back to business today. Please return any volunteer sheets to school asap , so I can assemble schedules. In these pictures, the students are engaged in Readers Workshop. I have created an environment in the classroom, in which reading is soooooo special. The students know how to choose a book quickly and to sit in a comfy manner to read. The main idea is that everyone reads! Please help your child to choose books quickly at home, as well as choosing a special spot in which to do their reading. They will be expected to read at home daily and record what they are reading on their reading log. This will continue to be part of their homework calendar throughout the year.
Reminder: If you have not sent in a single subject spiral notebook for Spanish please do so.
I am also collecting an old sock from everyone to use as an eraser, along with our handwriting program.
Debbie Allen is still collecting $25 dues, from each family, to cover the cost of the first grade activities.
Have a great week! We will!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Happy First week of school. We are off to a great start. The students are really enjoying their own desks, and using their own supplies.
Do not forget Back To School Night is this Thursday August 25th at 7:00p.m. in the Janet Root Theatre. I hope to see you all then.
I will be sending home one more parent volunteer pink sheet. It will be an opportunity to play games with the entire class. We will be doing our centers on Thursdays from 1:30-2:30. Please return all paperwork by this Friday, so I can make a schedule.
Just a reminder; if your child is purchasing Sage school lunch, they still need to bring in a snack...I do not allow the students to share nor do I keep snack food at school. If your child would like to keep a water bottle on their desk that is fine with me. It has to be water only. Tervis Tumblers with lids work great because they don't sweat all over their desks, and work.
I look forward to a great year.
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