Monday, December 13, 2010

Happy Monday! Today I met with every student individually, to conference regarding their Math goals. I was appreciative of their enthusiasm, and willingness to put thought into their goals. Some of the re-occurring goals shared, had to do with telling time by the quarter hour, counting various coin combinations, and counting on their Math Scrolls to higher numbers. The students were very realistic in setting goals that they could achieve.
Our robust vocabulary words for this week are: interrupted, admire, ambition, triumphantly, cozily, accomplishment.
Just a reminder that our library books are due every Monday. That is the only weekday that the students may check out new stories during class time. The library is open before and after school everyday for checkout, if you would like to take them. Word Card rings are due back to school every Thursday. I wish everyone a wonderful vacation and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A reminder that an updated student information form needs to be submitted for every Shorecrest student. Forms can be downloaded from the Parents Info page from the Community Link on the Shorecrest website ( Remember to fill out the form electronically, save the file using your child's first and last name, and send it via email to A separate form needs to be completed for each child. If you are having trouble with the form, or would prefer to complete a hard copy, please contact Judy Roberge at or (727) 456-7513.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Welcome Mr. Thompson to our class full time! It is great to have another teacher and the students love having him.
We need to work on sending in our gifts for the gift drive. The family information was posted on last week's blog. Thank-you to those who have already sent the gifts to school. The gift drive ends this Friday.
We have now discussed our reading goals for second trimester, and the students shared their thoughts. They all want to read harder, longer books. They want to be able to read words in print without having to decode. I assured them they will get their. Their effort is tremendous, and they are all working toward this goal. However, I cautioned them that they also need to comprehend and understand the material they read. Of course, they do! We will be discussing Math goals next.
We are getting ready to publish and send home their recent pieces of writing. Please empty out the brown envelope and return it to school for next time. The goal for publishing is to Fancy It Up. We have just begun revising and editing with a partner. I am keeping their published pieces in their collections. I will be sharing their collections at our February conferences. I will be publishing a few more links from our Photographer! Look for them this week. We are continuing our Solar System unit in science, as we are going to begin learning about the sun.
Our new robust vocabulary words for this week: excel, pace, blunder, reassure, energetic, approached.