Thursday, September 24, 2009

Please take a look at our new class photo album taken throughout the day as we studied our apples. Our apple album is posted on my teacher page in the private community. Enjoy!

Friday, September 18, 2009

We had a lesson in the Computer Lab today with Mrs. Baralt. Ask your child about the different kinds of graphs, they learned about. Also ask them about which kind of graph they made.
Hint: Bar Graph, Line Graph, Picture Graph and Circle Graph.

I will be posting all photographs of the children from my class in the private community. Click on my personal teacher page and check out our photo albums. The Back to School photo album is posted. Look for a new one this week to go with our apple unit. Don't forget to send your childs' apple to school by Wednesday.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I would like to invite everyone to our Town Meeting on Monday September 28th. The meeting will begin at 8:10 and last no longer than 8:30. My class will be presenting, and we have a special weather report to share. Our weather report will be videotaped and sent in to The Weather Channel. I am hoping my class will be chosen to air on National T.V. as part of the Weather Wannabees program. I am truly a weather wannabee! Please join us if you can......

Items needed for our video:
4 childrens' umbrellas
4 pairs of colorful rubber boots
4 childrens' colorful raincoats
4 pairs of funny, sunny sunglasses
4 sunny, funny hats

Thank-you and please come and enjoy your weather champions!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

On Tuesday, I sent home a Family Letter introducing Unit 2 in math. Please review and complete the Do-Anytime Activities provided. You do not need to send any of the work back to school. However, this will give you an overall view of the skills we will be covering in the next few weeks. The Penny Plate game will especially help your child, to begin to automatically know their math facts. I encourage you to challenge them with higher amounts of pennies, if they are able. Also, on the back page are the answers and help you can give your child, as they are completing their Home Links.

Do not forget to send Math Journals back to school on Friday.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Good Morning,
I have two quick announcements. Remember Friday is our spelling test day. Please review your words from the word list that I sent home on Wednesday. The after school club, offering baseball to K-1 students, on Tuesday afternoons, is still looking for more participants. Please see, call or e-mail Jeff Diedrich.
Reminder: All students need to bring a snack to school everyday, even if they are buying school lunch.
Below is a copy of our Parent Games schedule. I will send home a hard copy to only those parents volunteering. Thank-you!

Parent Games Schedule
2009-2010 Tuesdays 9:30-10:30a.m.
If for some reason you are unable to come in on your designated time, please attempt to find a replacement as the children look forward to your visit!
Sept. 1- Christine Price
8- Sonia King
15- Nathalie Carlier
22- Michelle Clopet
29- Stephanie Counsman

Oct. 6- Christine Price
13-Amy Webber
20-Sonia King
27-Nathalie Carlier

Nov. 3-Michelle Clopet
10-Stephanie Counsman
17-Amy Webber

Dec. 1- Christine Price
8-Sonia King
15-Nathalie Carlier

Jan. 12- Christine Price
19-Michelle Clopet
26-Stephanie Counsman

Feb. 9-Amy Webber
16- Sonia King
23- Nathalie Carlier

Mar. 2- Christine Price
9- Michelle Clopet
23- Stephanie Counsman
30- Amy Webber

Apr. 6- Christine Price
13- Sonia King
20- Nathalie Carlier
27- Michelle Clopet

May- 4- Stephanie Counsman
11- Amy Webber
18- 1st grade program rehearsal
25- Sonia King