Monday, August 31, 2009

This afternoon your child will be bringing home their first Homework Calendar. They will also bring home a baggie of spelling words and a ring of sight word cards. After the first few weeks, the word sort cards in the baggie, will be attached to the calendar. These words, as well as the word card ring should be used for additional sorting activities such as:
Sort by # of letters
Beginning sounds
Vowel sounds
Ending sounds
Similar meanings or connections in meanings(i.e. bat, ball)
Alphabetical order

Every Friday your child will have a spelling test on ten words using the same sounds as the word card sort, but not necessarily the same words. For example,"can" is on the list of words. However "than" maybe on the spelling test. I will send home a list of possibilities on Wed. night. Please do not have your child memorize all of the words. Remember we are working on the spelling rule. Please email me if you have any questions or blog me back.
I explained this on Back To School Night but this may take a few weeks to get used to the routine.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Thank-you for coming last night. I always enjoy talking and meeting the parents of my wonderful students. A few reminders, please send library books back to school on Monday, and the weekly Homework Calendar will begin on Monday. Please do not send in the papers ahead of time since the lesson may not have been taught yet, especially in Math. I will send home ideas and suggestions to help with the word card rings. Thank-you again.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back to School Night

Welcome to Mrs. Whitecage's blog....
This is great fun to be able to communicate frequently with all of you. Please check out my teacher page from the community website to preview our class photo album. I have put our Conference Day sign up sheet, and other volunteer opportunity sheets out for sign-up. Please ask me any questions you may have. The room parents will also have sign-up sheets as well. I encourage all of you to attend class activities on the designated dates. All of you, are always welcome whether or not you have signed up previously. Please get in the habit of checking my blog. I will write often and try to answer your first grade questions.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Welcome to 1-3

Hi everyone! I am so excited, school is beginning. This truly is, the most wonderful time of the year. Please do not forget to use your name cards in the dashboards during afternoon pick-up.
If you have any questions regarding your supplies, please ask me for clarification.